Hung Fook Tong x AM730“Cod Fish Cooking Class”

8 August 2019
Hung Fook Tong and AM730 organised a “Cod Fish Cooking Class” and invited a popular chef, Zoe Tsang, to teach participants to make a variety of dishes including “Cod Fish Balls Pasta with Truffle Sauce”and “Spicy Cod Fish Balls” with our new brand products, “Cod Fish Balls”and “Cod Fish Tofu”.
Hung Fook Tong x HiWalk New Wedding Gifts Launching Ceremony

8 July 2019
Hung Fook Tong taps the wedding and gift giving market by partnering with a popular Taiwan hand-made egg roll brand, HiWalk (海邊走走), to launch an exclusive to Hong Kong “Hung Fook Tong X HiWalk Sakura Shrimp Egg Rolls”, serving as another ideal wedding gift option.
The Group also invited Ms. Priscilla Wong, a talented actress and a happy wife, to share her joy at the ceremony.
Hung Fook Tong Volunteers Team

24 August 2019
Hung Fook Tong Volunteers Team participated in the “Cherish Food”activity held by Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centre. To promote the food wise culture, the volunteers baked delicious cookies made of recycled surplus food and distributed Hung Fook Tong soup packs to residents.

28 April 2019
The Volunteers Team also visited “House of Joy and Mercy (阿棍屋)”, a non-profit making sanctuary for cats and dogs, and helped with the general care of the animal including cleaning cages and dog walking.
Awards and Recognition

26 July 2019
Awarded the “Hong Kong Creativity Industries Award 2019”by Asia Pacific Creativity Industries Association in recognition of its achievements in the creative industries.

3 July 2019
Received the “Green Office Label & Eco-Healthy Workplace Label 2018”from the World Green Organisation in recognition of the Group’s green and eco-healthy workplace practices.

27 June 2019
Retail stores of the Group that have been fitted with external lighting signed the “Charter on External Lighting”launched by the Environmental Bureau. They are recognized with the “Gold Award”for fulfilling the pledge to switch off external lights on scheduled time.

25 June 2019
The Group’s Tai Po production plant earned the “Food Safety Enterprise” title from the International Food Safety Association due to its stringent quality controls.

31 May 2019
Received “Quam IR Awards 2018 – Sustainable Development Category”from the China Tonghai IR Limited for the Group’s excellence in maintaining social and environmental sustainability.

29 May 2019
Awarded the “BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2018 – Services Sector Bronze Award & EcoChallenger”by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries in acknowledgement of the Group’s dedication and contribution to environmental protection.

20 May 2019
Awarded the “Caring Company”logo by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for twelve consecutive years.

11 April 2019
Awarded “Happiness-at-work”logo by the Hong Kong Productivity Council for seven consecutive years.

28 March 2019
Received the “Smiling Enterprise Award & Smiling Employer Award 2018-19”from the Hong Kong Mystery Shopper Service Association for two consecutive years.

21 March 2019
Awarded the “Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Service Awards 2019”by CorpHub in recognition of the Group’s commitment to service excellence.

19 March 2019
Received the “Hong Kong Service Awards 2019”from East Week for twelve consecutive years.

12 March 2019
Awarded the “Consumer Caring Company” by GS1 Hong Kong for seven consecutive years.

20 February 2019
Received the “BDO ESG Awards 2019 – Certificate of Merit: Best in ESG (Small Market Capitalisation & Certificate of Merit: Best in Reporting (Small Market Capitalisation”from BDO Limited.

25 January 2019
Awarded the “Employer of Choice Award 2018”byJobMarket in recognition of the Group’s effort in creating a healthy workplace environment.