Floral Herbal Tea Drink
Ingredients:Purified Water, Brown Sugar, Chrysanthemum, Bombax Ceiba, Flower of Lobed Kludzuvine, Scholartree Flower, Honeysuckle FlowerBenefits:Great for clearing heat and toxin, expelling summer-heat and dampness, anddraining Stomach Fire. It promotes urination and helps to prevent seasonal cold and influenza. This is a blend of five flowers with similar natures and flavors, and is a significant aid in clearing heat, capable of resolving dampness and expelling toxins. -
Floral Herbal Tea Drink
Ingredients:Purified Water, Brown Sugar, Chrysanthemum, Bombax Ceiba, Flower of Lobed Kludzuvine, Scholartree Flower, Honeysuckle FlowerBenefits:Great for clearing heat and toxin, expelling summer-heat and dampness, anddraining Stomach Fire. It promotes urination and helps to prevent seasonal cold and influenza. This is a blend of five flowers with similar natures and flavors, and is a significant aid in clearing heat, capable of resolving dampness and expelling toxins.
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