

 鴻福堂集團有限公司及其附屬公司 ("鴻福堂集團")致力保障透過「自家CLUB」遞交的個人資料並設法遵從《個人資料(私隱)條例》的條文處理。向客戶收集的資料(包括姓名、聯絡資料及經會籍收集得到的其他資料)只會用於有關服務的日常運作,包括但不限於:網上購物及鴻福堂集團不時提供的其他服務;對顧客查詢、建議、投訴及涉嫌可疑交易的處理及跟進;為更瞭解客戶而進行服務意見調查;透過郵寄印刷品、電郵、電話或手機短訊方式向會員發出鴻福堂集團有關會員優惠、會員服務及推銷產品(飲品及食品)的資訊;及與上述任何事項有關的其他事項。在若干情況下,為保證或評估服務質素,鴻福堂集團職員與客戶的電話會被錄音。除非於通話時明確表示,否則有關錄音並非屬於客戶的個人資料,故此,就該客戶而言,該錄音並不受「有關條例」的各項條文所限。不論是根據合約法或侵權法的法例條文,該客戶對此等資料無權申索。鴻福堂集團無論在任何時候,都會作出各種努力保護有關錄音,使之免受不當或擅自存取。

1.  會籍條款及細則


1.1    「自家CLUB」會籍計劃為「QUALITY OF LIFE PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 生活良方產品有限公司」 (“生活良方”)所經營,此為鴻福堂集團有限公司之全資附屬公司。

1.2    「自家CLUB」有多個會籍計劃,分為「一般會籍」、「金卡會籍」、「白金卡會籍」及「家庭卡會籍」。

1.3    要成為「自家CLUB」計劃的客戶,必須提供真實、正確及完整之個人資料及繳付計劃內之指定儲值金額。倘若會員不能或不願提供真實、正確及完整之個人資料,生活良方有權拒絕有關入會申請並不能向你提供服務。根據上述情況,如因失卡導致的所有損失,生活良方概不負責。

1.4    成功入會後,會員將獲發一張具備智能及儲值功能的「自家CLUB」卡;而加入「家庭卡會籍」的會員可獲得不多於四張具備智能及儲值功能的附屬卡,並連繫同一個會籍戶口內。以上會籍均可享受由「自家CLUB」提供予不同會籍計劃內之獎賞、優惠、活動及服務。

1.5    每位「自家CLUB」計劃內之會員只能持有其中一個會籍,如鴻福堂集團經查證後發現會員於系統內擁有多於一個會籍,生活良方有權取消該多於一個之會籍及其餘「自家CLUB」會籍之使用權,生活良方將向會員徵收港幣$50行政費用。

1.6    香港區內發出之「自家CLUB」卡只限香港地區內指定之鴻福堂分店使用(百貨公司及超級市場之零售櫃檯除外)。會員必須於交易時以「自家CLUB」卡付款,方可換取及使用其有關之積分及享用優惠。如未能出示有效之「自家CLUB」卡,鴻福堂集團將不接納使用任何獎賞計劃及優惠。

1.7    有關會員之交易,包括以預繳儲值付款等,均必須使用「自家CLUB」卡以作系統記錄或更新用途。

1.8    會員交易金額只計算至小數後一位並以四捨五入取整而定。例如折實價為36.25元,收取金額以36.3元的折實價計算。

1.9    會員於每次交易後將獲發收據一張,收據上將列明該次交易金額、餘額、積分及草本e券等記錄。為保障閣下權益,當收到收據時請即時核對各項資料確實無誤後才離開,否則概不受理。

1.10    會員於「自家CLUB」卡預繳之金額不屬於購物消費,故並不享有「自家CLUB」計劃內之積分獎賞。

1.11    使用「自家CLUB」卡所賺取之自家 Dollar回贈只能用作購物,不得兌換現金或轉讓。每次消費時,自家Dollar會優先扣除。

1.12    「自家CLUB」計劃內之任何項目均不可與任何購物禮券、優惠券、信用卡聯合推廣或其他優惠同時使用(指定優惠除外)。

1.13    「自家CLUB」卡及其儲值額或任何類別的獎賞均只屬會員個人所有,並不能轉讓他人。「自家CLUB」卡一經在計劃中登記,即不能轉借他人使用。

1.14     凡提出任何有關「自家CLUB」之服務要求,均必須由會籍持有人親自提出(生活良方恕不接受/處理由非會籍持有人提出之申請)。

1.15    「自家CLUB」計劃會透過電郵或手機短訊聯絡會員有關之優惠或推廣等(生活良方一概不負責未能成功傳送之電郵或手機短訊),如會員未有提供完整之個人資料,將不能收到任何有關禮品獎賞、會員優惠及推廣活動之資訊,並將喪失該等優惠之使用及追溯權利。

1.16    會員在鴻福堂分店申請會籍30個工作天後,方可使用網上查詢服務。


2.    會員生日優惠


2.1    一般會籍、金卡會籍及白金卡會籍


2.2    家庭卡會籍



3.    增值服務


3.1    「自家CLUB」會員首次入會的儲值金額最少為港幣$300,之後增值以每港幣$100作單位。而「自家CLUB」卡之備用金額最高為港幣$4,000,自家Dollar則不計算在內。

3.2    「自家CLUB」家庭卡中的附屬卡可增值金額於「家庭卡會籍」戶口內。

3.3    如「自家CLUB」卡之儲值金額為$0,「自家CLUB」卡將不能使用及賺取計劃內提及之優惠項目,直至增值為止。

3.4    若「自家CLUB」卡內的備用儲值額不足夠支付單一交易時,有關交易將不成功,直至增值為止。


4.    會員積分


4.1    所有會員積分有效限期為90日及均根據個別會員的入會日期作結算,並以生活良方電腦系統內之紀錄為準。會員積分必須於限期前使用,否則所得之會員積分將自動被清除。

4.2    所得之獎賞積分將以扣除折扣優惠後的實際須付金額計算。獎賞積分不會計算毫仙。例如折實價為78.9元,獎賞積分將以78元的折實價計算。

4.3    合資格的會員積分將有提示訊息列印在收據上,未能於限期前使用之會員積分,生活良方恕不退回/補發。

4.4    「自家CLUB」家庭卡中的附屬卡可賺取會員積分,所賺取之積分將累積在閣下的自家CLUB會籍戶口內。

4.5    「自家CLUB」家庭卡中的附屬卡可兌換會員積分,所兌換之積分將在閣下的自家CLUB會籍戶口內扣除。

4.6    如閣下把商品退回鴻福堂分店進行退款,有關積分會於閣下的會員帳戶中扣除。如果本公司懷疑積分是透過欺詐或不誠實的手段獲得,本公司保留權利從閣下的會員帳戶中扣除積分。


5.    草本e券

i) 草本e券兌換細則:

            5.1.1    草本e券不能兌換現金。

5.1.2    每一張草本e券只可使用一次。

5.1.3    草本e券之換領只適用於所有鴻福堂「自家CLUB」的會員。

5.1.4    已購買之草本e券只可用作換領香港鴻福堂分店的產品。

5.1.5    草本e券可於有效期內免費換領 e 券上指定類型之相關產品之用。如草本 e 券到期,有關草本e券將會被自動作廢,不作另行通知。「生活良方有限公司」不會就因此被取消的草本e券負責。

5.1.6    換領產品之申請一經遞交及處理後將不可取消或更改或撤回。鴻福堂在處理有關申請後將即時從「自家CLUB」會員賬戶中扣除所需的草本 e 券,而已購買的草本e券將不可與「自家CLUB」會員賬戶中的儲值額作轉換。

5.1.7    任何有關補回差額換領產品之申請,該差額必須全數以「自家CLUB」會員帳戶內之備用儲值額付款。請會員留意帳戶內必須有足夠的備用儲值額。

5.1.8    只要「自家CLUB」會員擁有有效會籍、足夠的備用儲值額,均可以購買一套或多於一套之草本e券,會籍內累積草本e券之上限為港幣4,000元(以原價作計算);額外送贈之草本e券上限為港幣$2,000(以原價作計算)。

5.1.9    如會員取消「自家CLUB」會籍,已購買之草本 e 券並不能退回。

5.1.10   只有使用已登記之有效電話及電郵地址之會員方可使用草本 e 券。

5.1.11  「QUALITY OF LIFE PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 生活良方產品有限公司」保留不時對草本 e券的換領條款及細則作出修改之權利,而毋須事先通知。

5.1.12   鴻福堂產品價格或產品款式將會不時調整或更改,請到訪鴻福堂網頁以取得最新產品資訊。

5.1.13    如有任何爭議,一概以「QUALITY OF LIFE PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 生活良方產品有限公司」的最終決定權為準。

ii) 各類型草本e券兌換詳情:

             5.2.1 額外加送的草本e券有效期為31日(包括星期六、星期日以及公眾假期),此額外加送e券

            5.2.2 自家湯e券可換領HK$60或以下之自家湯1包,如欲憑券換購HK$60以上之自家湯,須補

            5.2.3 靈芝龜苓膏e券可換領清熱靈芝龜苓膏1盅。

            5.2.4 藥製龜苓膏e券可換領解毒藥製龜苓膏1盅,如欲憑券換購其他款式的正品龜苓膏,須補

            5.2.5 自家涼茶e券可換領HK$30或以下之自家涼茶1支,如欲憑券換購HK$30以上之涼茶及其

            5.2.6 唧唧龜苓膏e券可換領清熱除濕唧唧龜苓膏1包。

            5.2.7 自家甜品e券可換領HK$24之自家甜品1包,如欲憑券換購HK$24以上之自家甜品,須補

            5.2.8 自家豬腳薑醋e券可換領自家豬腳薑醋1包。凡換領5包或以上,為確保有足夠產品提供予

            5.2.9 原味滴雞精e券(5包裝)可換領原味滴雞精(5包裝)1盒。凡換領3盒或以上,為確保有足夠

            5.2.10 滴虱目魚精e券(5包裝)可換領滴虱目魚精(5包裝)1盒。凡換領3盒或以上,為確保有足夠

            5.2.11 任何有關補回差額換領產品之申請,該差額必須全數以「自家CLUB」會員帳戶內之備

            5.2.12 部份產品價錢不適用於伊利沙伯醫院、屯門醫院及香港兒童醫院分店。

            5.2.13 如有任何爭議,一概以「QUALITY OF LIFE PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 生活良

6.    「自家CLUB」會員卡失效∕遺失


6.1    倘若「自家CLUB」卡於上次使用(包括:增值/購物/積分兌換)後起計549天未有再次使用,「自家CLUB」會員卡將自動失效,所有會籍戶口內的儲值餘額及積分將會失效被自動註銷而無法補回。

6.2    倘若「自家CLUB」卡(包括附屬卡)並非因人為因素而失效,而也未曾受人為破壞或塗改,請於辦公時間內(星期一至五:09:30-12:45,14:00-17:30,星期六、星期日及公眾假期休息)致電顧客服務熱線:2920 2206 向鴻福堂集團申請新「自家CLUB」卡,並且必須將「自家CLUB」卡送交指定之鴻褔堂分店(有關分店的最新名單已上載於網站內,網址:www.hungfooktong.com),當確認所有資料後,生活良方會於30天內作出發卡安排。

6.3    倘若遺失了「自家CLUB」卡(包括附屬卡),請致電自家CLUB專線3500 2970報失閣下的會員卡(24小時運作)或請盡快於辦公時間內(星期一至五:09:30-12:45,14:00-17:30,星期六、星期日及公眾假期休息)致電顧客服務熱線:2920 2206向鴻福堂集團作出申請,而會員於報失時有責任提供正確之會籍編號、「自家CLUB」卡編號及會員登記資料予鴻福堂集團作核對,以便加快處理有關之服務申請。當確認所有資料後,生活良方將於30天內作出發卡安排。生活良方會因應重新啟動服務及進行有關程序而需向閣下收取港幣$50之行政費用。

6.4    就上述情況下,於完成所有核對程序後「自家CLUB」卡將暫時凍結。直至確定應有之餘額後並重新轉入新發出的「自家CLUB」卡內,方可重新啟動有關會籍。如遺失的「自家CLUB」卡是屬於「家庭卡會籍」,於完成所有核對程序前,除了已凍結的主卡/附屬卡外,會籍內未被凍結的主卡或其他附屬卡可繼續使用。唯當中如有任何損失,生活良方恕不負責。而閣下提交申請後,鴻福堂集團將於辦公時間內(星期一至五:09:30-12:45,14:00-17:30,星期六、星期日及公眾假期休息)盡快處理,並以生活良方持有的系統記錄資料為準,不得異議。

7.    會籍行政費

7.1    會員需繳交適時有效之會籍行政費。會籍行政費之實際金額及扣除日或會不定期作出更新,並以網站內之更新版本作準。

7.2    會籍行政費一經收取,不設退款。

7.3    假若在會籍行政費扣除日會員帳戶內未有足夠的餘額支付會籍行政費,其帳戶將被扣至負數,直至增值至零值或正數為止。相關的自家CLUB會員卡於負數的情況下將不能使用及賺取計劃內提及之優惠項目。


8.    取消「自家CLUB」會籍


8.1    如需取消「自家CLUB」會籍,請於辦公時間內(星期一至五:09:30-12:45,14:00-17:30,星期六、星期日及公眾假期休息)致電顧客服務熱線:2920 2206 向鴻福堂集團作出申請,並且必須將「自家CLUB」卡送交指定之鴻褔堂集團分店(有關分店的最新名單已上載於網站內,網址:www.hungfooktong.com),於確認有關資料後生活良方將於30天內作出退款安排,生活良方會因應有關要求而收取港幣$100之行政費用。

8.2    退還之款項並不包括自家Dollar、因推廣獎賞而獲得之金額、積分及獎品,並將根據 生活良方電腦系統內之紀錄為準,不得異議。

8.3    為保障會員,凡提出上述申請時,會員必需提供正確之個人資料、「自家CLUB」卡編號及會籍編號等,以便盡快為會員辦理手續及處理有關申請。


9.    其他事項


9.1    有關「自家LUB」計劃之內容將於鴻福堂集團網頁上作出不定期更新,並以網站內之更新版本作準。

9.2    會員同意生活良方有權把已提供之個人資料披露及轉移予任何鴻福堂集團之附屬公司,並將有關個人資料存入鴻福堂集團持有的一個或多個資料庫,以推廣鴻福堂集團的商品及/或服務,並用以確認會員就上述目的而向鴻福堂集團提供的其他資料。

9.3    如有任何爭議,生活良方將保留最終之決定權。

9.4    本條款的中文及英文版本如有歧義,概以中文版本為準。


Notice related to the Personal Data ( Privacy) Ordinance

 Hung Fook Tong Holdings Limited and its affiliate, associated and related companies ("Hung Fook Tong Group") is committed to protect all personal data submitted via JIKA CLUB and to handle them in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Collection of personal data(including name, contact information, and all submitted information for membership) from members shall be for purpose relating to the daily operation of the services, including but not limited to: providing internet shopping and other services offered by Hung Fook Tong Group; handling and following up customer enquiries, suggestions, complaints and suspected suspicious transactions; conducting surveys on our product and services to better understand customers’ needs; providing information about Hung Fook Tong Group’s member offer, services, promotion (Foods and Drinks) through mail, e-mail, telephone or SMS, and other issues related to any purposes mentioned above. Under certain circumstances, telephone conversations between our staff and members may be recorded for service quality assurance or assessment. Conversation recorded will not be related to members’ personal data unless specific notification is made to members during the conversation. Thus, the Personal Data(Privacy) Ordinance is inapplicable to the recorded data. Regardless of the accordance to any provisions, in relation to contract or tort, members are not entitled to acquire the recorded data. Hung Fook Tong Group shall, in anytime, take precautions by different means to protect the recordings against misuse or unauthorized access.

1.    Terms and Conditions of JIKA CLUB Membership Program


1.1.    JIKA CLUB Membership Program is operated by Quality of Life Products Company Limited (“Quality of Life”), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hung Fook Tong Holdings Limited.

1.2.    JIKA CLUB runs 3 types of membership programs, including “The Program of Normal Card”, “The Program of Gold Card”, “The Program of Platinum Card” and “The Program of Family card”.

1.3.    To apply for JIKA CLUB Membership Program, members must provide true, accurate and complete personal information and pay the exact top-up value specified in the service plan. Under the circumstances in which member  cannot or is not willing to provide all true, accurate and complete personal information as required, Quality of Life reserves the right to decline your application, and thus will not be able to provide service. In the circumstances mentioned above, Quality of Life is not liable to any loss caused by card loss.

1.4.    Upon acceptance of membership application, each member will be issued a JIKA CLUB member card, which is a smart card and features a top-up function. Members will be also issued no more than 4 supplementary cards and linked with a membership account in the program of Family Card. The above member will be eligible to receive and enjoy gifts, offers, activities and services provided by the JIKA CLUB to different membership program.

1.5.    Each member of JIKA CLUB can only maintain one account. If, after investigation, Hung Fook Tong Group ascertain any case of a member maintaining more than one account in the system, Quality of Life reserves the right to terminate the extra membership and the right of assess the other JIKA CLUB member cards. Administration fee of HK$50 shall be levied by Quality of Life.

1.6.    JIKA CLUB member cards issued in Hong Kong are only valid in specified branches of Hung Fook Tong in Hong Kong. JIKA CLUB member cards must be presented upon transaction in order to be eligible to related bonus points scheme and special offers. In case of absence of JIKA CLUB member cards, Hung Fook Tong Group shall not accept any claim for bonus points and special offers.

1.7.    All transactions related to JIKA CLUB Membership Program, such as adding top-up value, JIKA CLUB member cards must be presented for system update and record.

1.8.    Member transaction amount rounded to one decimal place. If the actual price payable after discount is $36.25, the amount charged is $36.3.

1.9.    After every transaction, a receipt stating the amount of transaction, remaining top-up value, bonus point balance, Herbal e-Coupon balance and so forth will be issued. To secure members’ own  interest, members are required to check the accuracy of the information on the receipt before leaving as late report will not be accepted.

1.10.    Adding top-up value of JIKA CLUB member cards is not regarded as purchasing; hence no bonus points will be added.

1.11.    The amount of JIKA Dollar rebate earned from JIKA CLUB Membership Program is only for purchasing and cannot be transferred nor redeemed to cash. JIKA Dollar priority used in every transaction.

1.12.    Any offers from JIKA CLUB cannot be used in conjunction with any cash vouchers, coupons, credit card promotions or other special offers (unless specified).

1.13.    JIKA CLUB member cards, its top-up value and rewards of any categories belong to the registered members only and are non-transferable. Upon successful application, the use of JIKA CLUB member cards by any third persons other than the registered members is prohibited.

1.14.    Any request for services related to JIKA CLUB must be raised by the  registered members only. (Quality of Life shall not accept / handle any requests related to the services of JIKA CLUB services raised by any third persons)

1.15.    JIKA CLUB Membership Program may notify members of related offers and promotions through e-mails or SMS messages (Quality of Life is not responsible to any delivery failure of e-mail or SMS messages). Members shall not be able to receive information on gift rewards, member offers and promotions if they provide incomplete personal data. The right of using or claiming such offers shall be forfeited.

1.16.    Members will be able to use the online enquiry service after 30 days of membership registrations.

2.    Birthday Offer

2.1.    The Program of Normal, Golden Card and Platinum Card

    Birthday offers for JIKA CLUB members of The Program of Normal, Gold and Platinum Card are redeemable for once only within the month of birth that members have provided the JIKA CLUB application forms. Birthday offers will be validated after 30 days of members’ dates of birth provided. Quality of Life will not make any remedy if members fail to redeem their birthday offers within the month of birth.

2.2.    The Program of Family Card

    Birthday offers for JIKA CLUB members of The Program of Family Card are redeemable for once only within the month of birth that members have provided the JIKA CLUB application forms. Birthday offer not applied for supplementary card. Birthday offers will be validated after 30 days of members’ dates of birth provided. Quality of Life will not make any remedy if members fail to redeem their birthday offers within the month of birth.

3.    Top-up Service

3.1.    Upon successful application for JIKA CLUB Membership Program, the minimum top-up value of JIKA CLUB for the first time is HK$300. The unit of increment of top-up value after that is HK$100. The maximum balance of a JIKA CLUB member card is HK$4,000, JIKA Dollar not included.

3.2.    Supplementary cards can add top-value in a membership account.

3.3.    When the balance of a member card is $0, a JIKA CLUB member card is not eligible to use or earn the special offer items related to JIKA CLUB Membership Program without adding top-up value.

3.4.    When the balance of a member card is not sufficient for payment, the transaction will not be succeed until adding top-up value.


4.    Bonus Point Scheme

4.1.    The term of validity of bonus points is 90 days and will be counted in accordance with the entry dates of members; records in the computer systems of Quality of Life will be the reference for any final decision. Bonus points must be used within the term of validity as they will be cancelled automatically after the expiry day.

4.2.    Bonus points will be earned according to the actual price payable after discount. Cents will not be counted. If the actual price payable after discount is $78.9, 78 bonus points will be earned.

4.3.    Balance of valid bonus points will be stated on receipts. Quality of Life will not refund / reissue any expired bonus points.

4.4.    Bonus points will be earned by Supplementary cards and the balance of bonus points will be accumulated in a membership account also.

4.5.    Bonus points will be redeemed by Supplementary cards and will be deducted from a membership account also.

4.6.    Points will be deducted from your Membership Card account if you return products to our Stores for a refund. We also reserve the right to deduct Points from your Membership Card if we suspect that such Points were obtained via fraudulent or dishonest means.

5.    Herbal e-Coupon

i) The Conditions of Herbal e-Coupon Redemption

            5.1.1   Herbal e-Coupons are not be exchanged for cash.

5.1.2   Each Herbal e-Coupon is valid for one-time use only.

5.1.3   The uses of Herbal e-Coupons are only limited to JIKA CLUB members.

5.1.4    Herbal e-Coupons can only be used to redeem products at Hung Fook Tong stores in Hong Kong.

5.1.5    Within the term of validity, Herbal e-Coupons can be used for free redemption of [related type of products as stated on the e-Coupon]. Herbal e-Coupons will be deemed null and void without prior notice after the expiry date. QUALITY OF LIFE PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 生活良方產品有限公司 is not responsible for any expired Herbal e-Coupons.

5.1.6    No cancellation, change or withdrawal can be made after the application for redemption is tendered and processed. Related Herbal e-Coupons will be deducted from JIKA CLUB member’s account immediately after the redemption process. The purchased Herbal e-Coupons are not interchangeable with the balance of JIKA CLUB member’s account.

5.1.7    Any additional payment is required for Herbal e-Coupon redemptions must be made with the balance of JIKA CLUB member’s account. Please kindly ensure that member’s account balance is sufficient before transaction.

5.1.8    Valid members of JIKA CLUB with sufficient account balance are eligible to purchase one or more sets of Herbal e-Coupons. The maximum total value of Herbal e-Coupons and Complimentary Herbal e-coupon available for a single account is HK$4,000 and HK$2,000 (Original price).

5.1.9    In case of cancellation of JIKA CLUB membership, any purchased Herbal e-Coupons are not refundable.

5.1.10  Only valid members with their registered phone numbers and email address are eligible to redeem Herbal e-Coupons.

5.1.11  QUALITY OF LIFE PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 生活良方產品有限公司 reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions of Herbal e-Coupon without prior notice.

5.1.12  Hung Fook Tong may adjust the product prices or change products from time to time. Please visit Hung Fook Tong website for more details.   

5.1.13 QUALITY OF LIFE PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 生活良方產品有限公司 reserves its rights to make the final decision in the event of any dispute.

ii) The Redemption Rules of each type of Herbal e-Coupon

                           5.2.1 Complimentary Herbal e-Coupons are valid for 31 days only (including Saturdays,
                           Sundays and Public Holidays). This complimentary Herbal e-Coupons promotion
                           campaign is temporary in nature which shall terminate

                           5.2.2 Home-Made Soup e-Coupons can be used to redeem any one of our Healthy
                           Home-Made Soups valued at HK$60 or below. For redeeming any one of our Healthy
                           Home-Made Soups with a price of over HK$60, extra payment on the price difference is

                           5.2.3  Lucid Ganoderma Tortoise Plastron Jelly e-Coupons can be used to redeem one
                           Lucid Ganoderma Tortoise Plastron Jelly.

                           5.2.4 Herbal Tortoise Plastron Jelly e-Coupons can be used to redeem one Herbal Tortoise
                           Plastron Jelly. For redeeming other types of Tortoise Plastron Jelly, extra payment on the
                           price difference is required.

                           5.2.5  Herbal Tea e-Coupons can be used to redeem any one of our Healthy Herbal Teas
                           valued at HK$30 or below. For redeeming any one of our Healthy Herbal Teas or other
                            Fresh Drinks with a price of over HK$30, extra payment on the price difference is required.

                           5.2.6  Squeezing Tortoise Plastron Jelly e-Coupons can be used to redeem any one pack
                           of Squeezing Tortoise Plastron Jelly.

                           5.2.7 Home-Made Dessert e-Coupons can be used to redeem one of our Home-Made
                           Desserts valued at HK$24. For redeeming any one of our Home-Made Desserts with
                           a price of over HK$24, extra payment on the price difference is required.

                           5.2.8 Home-Made Stewed Pork Trotter and Ginger in Sweet Vinegar e-Coupons can be
                           used to redeem one pack of Home-Made Stewed Pork Trotter and Ginger in Sweet
                           Vinegar. For redemption of 5 packs or above of the products at one time, please reserve
                           by calling our retail stores at least 3 days in advance to ensure there shall be sufficient
                           stocks for redemption.

                           5.2.9 Chicken Essence e-Coupons (5 packs per box) can be used to redeem one
                           box of Chicken Essence (5 packs per box). For redemption of 3 boxes or above of
                           the products at one time, please reserve by calling our retail stores at least 3 days in
                           advance to ensure there are sufficient stocks for redemption.

                           5.2.10 Milkfish Essence e-coupons (5 packs per box) can be used to redeem one box 
                           of Milkfish Essence (5 packs per box). For redemption of 3 boxes or above of the 
                           products at one time, please reserve by calling our retail stores at least 3 days in
                           advance to ensure there are sufficient stocks for redemption.

                           5.2.11 Any additional payment required for Herbal e-Coupon redemptions must be paid
                           from the balance of JIKA CLUB member’s account. Please kindly ensure that member’s
                           account balance is sufficient before transaction.

                           5.2.12 The price of certain products are not applicable to Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
                           Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, Lo Wu, Lok Ma Chau Stores.

                           5.2.13 QUALITY OF LIFE PRODUCTS COMPANY LIMITED 生活良方產品有限公司
                           reserves its right to make the final decision in the event of any dispute.

6.    Malfunctioning/Loss of JIKA CLUB Member Card

6.1    If JIKA CLUB member card is idled for 549 days since its latest transaction (includes value adding, spending and bonus points redemption), the membership will be deactivated. Balance of the amount and bonus points in member card shall be forfeited automatically and cannot be recovered.

6.2    Under the circumstances of malfunctioning of a JIKA CLUB member card without being damaged or defaced, members are required to call our customer service hotline at +852 2920 2206 during the office hours of Hung Fook Tong Group (Monday - Friday: 09:30 - 12:45, 14:00 - 17:30. Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed) for the applications of new member cards. The malfunctioning member cards are required to return to specified branches of Hung Fook Tong (For the latest shop list, please go to www.hungfooktong.com). New member cards will be issued by Quality of Life within 30 days after confirmation.

6.3    Under the circumstances of loss of JIKA CLUB member cards, members are required to call our JIKA CLUB hotline at +852 3500 2970 (24 hours) to report the loss of member cards  or   call our customer service hotline at +852 2920 2206 during the office hours of Hung Fook Tong Group (Monday - Friday: 09:30 - 12:45, 14:00 - 17:30. Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed) to report the loss of member cards. To expedite the procedures, members are responsible to provide accurate membership numbers, JIKA CLUB card numbers and registered membership information. New member cards will be issued by Quality of Life within 30 days after confirmation. Administration fee of HK$50 may be levied by Quality of Life for the reactivation of services and related procedures.

6.4    Under the circumstances mentioned above, JIKA CLUB member cards will be temporarily deactivated. Member cards will be reactivated only after the confirmed balances are transferred to new JIKA CLUB member cards. The loss of member cards which are under the Program of Family Cards, will be deactivated; the other member cards and supplementary cards can be used continuously. Nonetheless, Quality of Life is not responsible to any loss due to the incident. Applications will be handled during the office hours of Hung Fook Tong Group as soon as possible (Monday - Friday: 09:30 - 12:45, 14:00 - 17:30. Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed). Records held by Quality of Life shall be treated as the conclusive evidence without any dispute.

7.    Membership Administration Fee

7.1    Members are required to pay the applicable effective membership administrative fee. The exact amount as well as the deduction day of the membership administration fee may be subject to modification and adjustment from time to time. The latest version on our website shall be treated as final and conclusive.

7.2    Once the administration fee is charged, it is non-refundable.

7.3    On the day of deduction of the membership administration fee there is insufficient balance in their account to pay the membership administration fee, the account will show a negative balance after deduction and, until it is topped-up to zero or positive balance, the related JIKA CLUB member card will become invalid and is not eligible to use or earn the special offer related to JIKA CLUB Membership program. 

8.    Other Terms and Conditions

8.1    To cancel JIKA CLUB membership, members are required to call our customer service hotline at +852 2920 2206 during the office hours of Hung Fook Tong Group (Monday - Friday: 09:30 - 12:45, 14:00 - 17:30. Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed) for the cancellation of JIKA CLUB Membership. Member cards are required to return to specified branches of Hung Fook Tong(For the latest shop list, please go to www.hungfooktong.com) and fill-in and return necessary documents. Refund will be made by Quality of Life within 30 days after confirmation. Administration fee of HK$100 shall be levied by Quality of Life for the related procedures.

8.2    Amount of refund will not include JIKA Dollar, money, bonus points or rewards earned by promotion rewards. Records held by Quality of Life shall be treated as the conclusive evidence without any dispute.

8.3    To secure members’ own interests, members are required to provide accurate personal information, JIKA CLUB member card numbers and membership numbers in applying cancellation for prompt processes.

9.    Other Terms and Conditions

9.1    News about JIKA CLUB membership scheme will be updated on Hung Fook Tong Group’s website at any time without notice. The latest version on our website shall be treated as a conclusive version.

9.2    Members hereby agree Quality of Life to disclose and transfer their personal data to any companies within Hung Fook Tong Group, and store the personal data in one or more database for the promotions of products and / or services held by Hung Fook Tong Group and also for affirming other provided personal data to Hung Fook Tong Group for aforementioned purposes.

9.3    In case of any dispute, the decision of the Quality of Life shall be final and conclusive.

9.4    If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.